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Spotted Tongue Toasted Blonde

Spotted Tongue Toasted Blonde

Blonde Ale • All Grain • 5.5 gal

Old Man Stan

Does adding toasted bread to the mash affect outcome?

August 4, 2024 pm 12:55pm

3.0/5.0 1 rating

Ingredients (All Grain5.5 gal)

  • 10 lbs 2-Row Brewers Malt; Briess

    2-Row Brewers Malt; Briess

    Mild malty flavor. Characteristics & Applications: • Base malt for all beer styles • Smoother, less grainy flavor than 6-Row Brewers Malt. • Slightly higher yield than 6-Row Brewers Malt. • Slight lower protein than 6-Row Brewers Malt. • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row Malting Barley varieties.

  • 1 oz Goldings - 5.7 AA% pellets; boiled 60 min


    Mild. Slightly flowery.

  • 1 oz Goldings - 5.7 AA% pellets; boiled 5 min


    Mild. Slightly flowery.

  • Fermentis W-34/70 Saflager W-34/70

    Fermentis W-34/70 Saflager W-34/70

    This famous yeast strain from Weihenstephan in Germany is used world-wide within the brewing industry. Thanks to its technological properties, this strain has become the most popular strain for lager brewing and is used by industrial breweries and brewing groups around the globe. Sedimentation: high. Final gravity: medium. Pitching instructions: Re-hydrate the dry yeast into yeast cream in a stirred vessel prior to pitching. Sprinkle the dry yeast in 10 times its own weight of sterile water or wort at 23C ± 3C. Once the expected weight of dry yeast is reconstituted into cream by this method (this takes about 15 to 30 minutes), maintain a gentle stirring for another 30 minutes. Then pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel. Alternatively, pitch dry yeast directly in the fermentation vessel providing the temperature of the wort is above 20C. Progressively sprinkle the dry yeast into the wort ensuring the yeast covers all the surface of wort available in order to avoid clumps. Leave for 30 minutes and then mix the wort e.g. using aeration.


Experiment to see if adding toasted bread to the mash will add "bready and/or toasty" notes to the finished beer. Brewed on 9/1/24, bread was 1 loaf of French bread from Von's bakery, sliced and toasted in 400 degree oven till medium brown. Yeast is actually Mangrove Jacks Bavarian Lager strain, not an option. Will ferment at 58, high end of range.

Style (BJCP)

Category: 18 - Pale American Ale

Subcategory: A - Blonde Ale

Range for this Style
Original Gravity: 1.042 1.038 - 1.054
Terminal Gravity: 1.009 1.008 - 1.013
Color: 3.3 SRM 3 - 6
Alcohol: 4.2% ABV 3.8% - 5.5%
Bitterness: 29.1 IBU 15 - 28


Old Man Stan

Toasted Blonde

2024-10-26 7:05pm

The answer appears to be no, adding toasted bread did not seem to add any bready or toasty notes to the beer. It is an OK Blonde Ale, but nothing noteworthy. Not worth the effort.

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