Flusse und Baume
American IPA • All Grain • 5 gal
dry hops and such
May 3, 2024 pm 05:27pm
Ingredients (All Grain, 5 gal)
- 9 lbs
2-Row Brewers Malt; Briess
2-Row Brewers Malt; Briess
Mild malty flavor. Characteristics & Applications: • Base malt for all beer styles • Smoother, less grainy flavor than 6-Row Brewers Malt. • Slightly higher yield than 6-Row Brewers Malt. • Slight lower protein than 6-Row Brewers Malt. • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row Malting Barley varieties.
- .5 lbs
2-Row Caramel Malt 40L; Briess
2-Row Caramel Malt 40L; Briess
Sweet, Caramel, Toffee. S Characteristics & Applications: • In contrast to Brewers Malt, glassiness is a distinguishing characteristic of Caramel Malt. The glassy endosperm creates the desirable non-fermentable components giving true Caramel Malt the ability to contribute body (mouthfeel), foam foam retention, and extended beer stability, while contributing color and unique caramel flavor. • 2-Row Caramel Malt 40L is a roasted caramel malt that imparts golden to light red color. • Use 3-7% for Pilsener-style beers for balance. • Use 5-15% to provide color, sweetness and color to light amber beers. • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row Malting Barley varieties.
- .5 lbs
Bonlander Munich Malt; Briess
Bonlander Munich Malt; Briess
Golden orange hue with a smooth malty sweetness. Characteristics & Applications: • Sufficient enzymes for self-conversion in most mash programs. • Provides a smooth yet pronounced malty flavor plus sweetness. • Great in bock beers! • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row Malting Barley varieties.
- .5 lbs
White Wheat Malt; Briess
White Wheat Malt; Briess
Sweet, malty, wheat, floury flavors. Characteristics & Applications: • Imparts malty flavor not obtainable from raw wheat. • Use with rice hulls to improve lautering and help prevent stuck mash. • White Wheat Malt contributes to foam production and foam stability.
- .25 lbs
Cara-Pils® Malt; Briess
Cara-Pils® Malt; Briess
Characteristics & Applications: • The endosperm is completely glassy and will appear to be darker than standard Brewers Malt. • Carapils® is a very unique dextrine-style malt that adds body, foam retention, and beer stability without influencing color or flavor. • Use to upgrade all types of beer, including light colored beers. • The non-fermentables in Carapils® are very advantageous in balancing body and flavor of dark colored beers. • May be used with or without other specialty malts. • Low usage of 1-5% will help achieve desired results. • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row Malting Barley varieties.
- .25 lbs
White Table Sugar (Sucrose)
White Table Sugar (Sucrose)
Common household table/baking sugar. Lightens flavor and body of beer. Can contribute a cider-like flavor to the beer if not cold-fermented or used in large quantities.
- 1 oz
El Dorado® - 15.0 AA% pellets; boiled 45 min
El Dorado®
El Dorado® is a special dual purpose variety with exceptional aroma qualities and high alpha acids. It was developed by CLS Farms, LLC in 2008 and released in 2010. El Dorado® consistently elicits responses of fruity notes, specifically tropical fruit flavors. Other fruit notes offered have been pear, watermelon and stone fruit.—usahops.org
- .5 oz
Amarillo® - 8.5 AA% pellets; boiled 30 min
Grown in Washington. A newer multi-use hop with a nice citrus-flower bouquet and medium-high acid content suited for bittering. Used in American Ales and IPAs.
- 1 oz
Amarillo® - 8.5 AA% pellets; boiled 10 min
Grown in Washington. A newer multi-use hop with a nice citrus-flower bouquet and medium-high acid content suited for bittering. Used in American Ales and IPAs.
Fermentis S-04 Safale S-04
Fermentis S-04 Safale S-04
A well-known, commercial English ale yeast, selected for its fast fermentation character and its ability to form a very compact sediment at the end of the fermentation, helping to improve beer clarity. This yeast is recommended for the production of a large range of ale beers and is specially well adapted to cask-conditioned ales and fermentation in cylindro-conical tanks. Sedimentation: high. Final gravity: medium. Pitching instructions: Re-hydrate the dry yeast into yeast cream in a stirred vessel prior to pitching. Sprinkle the dry yeast in 10 times its own weight of sterile water or wort at 27C ± 3C. Once the expected weight of dry yeast is reconstituted into cream by this method (this takes about 15 to 30 minutes), maintain a gentle stirring for another 30 minutes. Then pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel. Alternatively, pitch dry yeast directly in the fermentation vessel providing the temperature of the wort is above 20C. Progressively sprinkle the dry yeast into the wort ensuring the yeast covers all the surface of wort available in order to avoid clumps. Leave for 30 minutes and then mix the wort e.g. using aeration.
Dry hops and such
Style (BJCP)
Category: 21 - IPA
Subcategory: A - American IPA
Range for this Style | |||
Original Gravity: | 1.059 | 1.056 - 1.070 | |
Terminal Gravity: | 1.010 | 1.008 - 1.014 | |
Color: | 8.6 SRM | 6 - 14 | |
Alcohol: | 6.4% ABV | 5.5% - 7.5% | |
Bitterness: | 72.7 IBU | 40 - 70 |