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Cheer Beer

Cheer Beer

Specialty Beer • Partial Mash • 5 gal

Mile High Monks

This is our third year brewing a holiday beer.Last year we learned how much orange peel effects the taste of the beer over time.This year we have cut back on the spices.

October 29, 2000  08:59am

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Ingredients (Partial Mash5 gal)

  • 8 lbs American 6-row Pale

    American 6-row Pale

    Tends to increase lautering efficiency due to a stiffer husk. May be used as the base malt for any beer style. The enzymes in all varieties of the current crop are sufficient to support high percentages of specialty malts and adjuncts.

  • .5 lbs Dextrine Malt

    Dextrine Malt

    In light-colored beers to give additional body. Adds richness without color.

  • .5 lbs English Wheat Malt

    English Wheat Malt

    Light flavor, creamy head. For wheat beers, stouts, doppelbocks and alt beers.

  • .2 lbs American Chocolate Malt

    American Chocolate Malt

    Use in all types to adjust color and add nutty, toasted flavor. Chocolate flavor.

  • .2 lbs Roasted Barley

    Roasted Barley

    Sweet, grainy, coffee flavor and a red to deep brown color. For porters and stouts.

  • 1.5 lbs Dry Extra Light Extract

    Dry Extra Light Extract

    For making very pale ales and lagers.

  • 2.5 lbs Honey


    Imparts sweet and dry taste. For honey and brown ales. Also: specialty ales.

  • 1 oz Challenger -5.7 AA% pellets; boiled 60 min


    Popular bittering hop used primarily in British ales and lagers. Mild to moderate aroma, but quite spicy.

  • 1 oz Challenger -5.7 AA% pellets; boiled 30 min


    Popular bittering hop used primarily in British ales and lagers. Mild to moderate aroma, but quite spicy.

  • 1 oz East Kent Goldings -3.5 AA% pellets; boiled 10 min

    East Kent Goldings

    Mild, slightly flowery.

  • 1 oz East Kent Goldings -3.5 AA% whole; boiled 5 min

    East Kent Goldings

    Mild, slightly flowery.

  • Wyeast1028London Ale™

    Wyeast1028London Ale™

    Rich with a dry finish, minerally profile, bold and crisp, with some fruitiness.


Dry hopped with one once of Kent Goldings, 1 cinnamon stick and 1 oz. of fresh ginger.

Style (BJCP)

Category: 23 -Specialty Beer

Subcategory: A -Specialty Beer

Range for this Style
Original Gravity: 1.075 1.026 -1.120
Terminal Gravity: 1.016 0.995 -1.035
Color: 16.9 SRM 1 -50
Alcohol: 7.8% ABV 2.5% -14.5%
Bitterness: 45.5 IBU 0 -100



How much time for ginger?

2002-02-20 12:34pm

How is the ginger incorporated, time wise in the recipe? Its a great recipe, but it needs a little clarification. Thank You!



2003-03-12 8:55am

"Dry hop with hops, cinnamon and ginger" Add the spices and dry hops into the secondary fermenter.

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