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Lamb and Lathe Ale

Lamb and Lathe Ale

Ordinary Bitter • Extract • 1.5 gal


Another in a series of small batch experiments.

December 29, 2020  05:20pm

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Ingredients (Extract1.5 gal)

  • 0.0625 lbs 2-Row Caramel Malt 60L;Briess

    2-Row Caramel Malt 60L;Briess

    Sweet, Pronounced Caramel. Characteristics & Applications: • In contrast to Brewers Malt, glassiness is a distinguishing characteristic of Caramel Malt. The glassy endosperm creates the desirable non-fermentable components giving true Caramel Malt the ability to contribute body (mouthfeel), foam foam retention, and extended beer stability, while contributing color and unique caramel flavor. • 2-Row Caramel Malt 60L is a roasted caramel malt that imparts deep golden to red color. • Use 3-7% for Pilsener-style beers for balance. • Use 5-15% to provide color, sweetness and color to amber and red beers. • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row Malting Barley varieties.

  • 0.0625 lbs Roasted Barley;Briess

    Roasted Barley;Briess

    Intensely bitter coffee flavor. Characteristics & Applications: • Use 3-7% for coffee flavor in Porter and Stout • Use 2-5% in Nut Brown Ales. • Use Chocolate Malt or Black Malt in combination with Roasted Barley to obtain desired color. • Produced from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 6-Row Malting Barley varieties.

  • .125 lbs Red Wheat;Rahr

    Red Wheat;Rahr

    Creamy, Sweet, Malty, Wheat, Flour. Characteristics & Applications: • Imparts malty flavor not obtainable from raw wheat. • Use with rice hulls to improve lautering and help prevent stuck mash. • White Wheat Malt contributes to foam production and foam stability.

  • 1.5 lbs Light;John Bull

    Light;John Bull

    Made from Lager malt, it will add body and character to any light brew. Light malt extract will impart rich flavor compounds, ensure an excellent fermentation, and improve the clarity.

  • .3 oz First Gold -7.7 AA% pellets; boiled 45 min

    First Gold

    First commercial dwarf hop designed for aroma consideration in England, a very promising hop.

  • .3 oz Progress -5.0 AA% pellets; boiled 10 min


    Simular to Fuggles but a little sweeter.

  • FermentisS-04Safale S-04

    FermentisS-04Safale S-04

    A well-known, commercial English ale yeast, selected for its fast fermentation character and its ability to form a very compact sediment at the end of the fermentation, helping to improve beer clarity. This yeast is recommended for the production of a large range of ale beers and is specially well adapted to cask-conditioned ales and fermentation in cylindro-conical tanks. Sedimentation: high. Final gravity: medium. Pitching instructions: Re-hydrate the dry yeast into yeast cream in a stirred vessel prior to pitching. Sprinkle the dry yeast in 10 times its own weight of sterile water or wort at 27C ± 3C. Once the expected weight of dry yeast is reconstituted into cream by this method (this takes about 15 to 30 minutes), maintain a gentle stirring for another 30 minutes. Then pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel. Alternatively, pitch dry yeast directly in the fermentation vessel providing the temperature of the wort is above 20C. Progressively sprinkle the dry yeast into the wort ensuring the yeast covers all the surface of wort available in order to avoid clumps. Leave for 30 minutes and then mix the wort e.g. using aeration.


Another in the small batch series.

Style (BJCP)

Category: 11 -British Bitter

Subcategory: A -Ordinary Bitter

Range for this Style
Original Gravity: 1.040 1.030 -1.039
Terminal Gravity: 1.010 1.007 -1.011
Color: 14.3 SRM 8 -14
Alcohol: 3.9% ABV 3.2% -3.8%
Bitterness: 38.1 IBU 25 -35


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