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Bueschelob Ice

Bueschelob Ice

Premium American Lager • Partial Mash • 5 gal

September 1, 2000  01:30pm

0.0/5.0 0 ratings

Ingredients (Partial Mash5 gal)

  • 7/8 lbs American 6-row Pale

    American 6-row Pale

    Tends to increase lautering efficiency due to a stiffer husk. May be used as the base malt for any beer style. The enzymes in all varieties of the current crop are sufficient to support high percentages of specialty malts and adjuncts.

  • 7/8 lbs American 2-row

    American 2-row

    Yields a slightly higher extract than Six Rox brewers Malt. Tends to give a smoother, less grainy flavored beer. Some brewers claim they can detect a significant difference in flavor. Lower protein and will yield a lower color than Six-Row Brewers Malt

  • 1 1/2 lbs Pacific Northwest Wheat

    Pacific Northwest Wheat

  • 3 lbs Dry Extra Light;Muntons

    Dry Extra Light;Muntons

    Contains no colored malts or unmalted products; the light color of this product is achieved by using low processing temperatures and low-colored raw materials.

  • 3/16 lbs Corn Sugar

    Corn Sugar

    Use in priming beer or in extract recipes where flaked maize would be used in a mash.

  • 3/16 lbs Barley Raw

    Barley Raw

    Raw, unmalted barley can be used to add body to your beer. Use in homebrew requires very fine milling combined with a decoction or multi-stage mash. Performs best when used in small quantities with well modified grains.

  • 3/8 lbs Rice Flaked

    Rice Flaked

    Used to add fermentables without increasing body or flavor. Produces a milder, less grainy tasting beer. Examples: American lagers, Bohemian lagers, Pilsners

  • 1 oz Hallertau -4.5 AA% whole; boiled 60 min


    Good for all around bittering and finishing stock ales, Belgian ales, and continental style lagers. Aroma is mild, pleasant and flowery.

  • Wyeast2565Kolsch


    A hybrid of ale and lager characteristics. This strain develops excellent maltiness with subdued fruitiness, and a crisp finish. Ferments well at moderate temperatures.

Style (BJCP)

Category: 1 -Light Lager

Subcategory: C -Premium American Lager

Range for this Style
Original Gravity: 1.048 1.046 -1.056
Terminal Gravity: 1.010 1.008 -1.012
Color: 4.1 SRM 2 -6
Alcohol: 5.0% ABV 4.6% -6%
Bitterness: 17.4 IBU 15 -25


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